To Log or not to Log: That is the question:
How to compute log2(n) efficiently

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One of the ways to tell a new programmer is by how they compute powers-of-2 functions.  For example, if you need 2n, a beginner will write

UINT v = (UINT)pow(2, n);

which is obviously about the worst possible way to do this computation.  An experienced programmer will always write

UINT v = 1 << n;

which is substantially faster.

A recent question in the newsgroup was based on a question of the form "Given I have a value v which is known to be a power of 2, how can I find the value n = log2(v) value?"

There were several algorithms posed.  These included

for(n = -1; v > 0; v <<= 1, n++);

One proposal was to write

UINT n = (UINT)log2(v);

which of course isn't possible because there is no log2 function.  The counterproposal was to code it as

UINT n = (UINT)(log(v)/log(2));

which uses the natural log, and an alternative was

UINT n = (UINT)(log10(v)/log10(2));

I knew an even faster way that works when the value is known to be a power-of-2, so I decided to compare the versions to see what their performance was.

The fast method is to use the bsf (bit scan forward) instruction, which identifies the position of the first nonzero bit in a value.

From the Intel manual:

BSF—Bit Scan Forward


Searches the source operand (second operand) for the least significant set bit (1 bit). If a least significant 1 bit is found, its bit index is stored in the destination operand (first operand). The source operand can be a register or a memory location; the destination operand is a register. The bit index is an unsigned offset from bit 0 of the source operand. If the content of the source operand is 0, the content of the destination operand is undefined.

I wrote a program that computed the time to do 10,000 instances of the computation, and it wrote this inofmration out in a form that could be imported into an Excel spreadsheet.

Note that there are always timing anomalies caused by interrupts and other factors, so the data is a bit spiky at times.  However, the summary is given in the table below.  The average values were obtained from observing the linear trendline.

Algorithms and Performance Summary

The basic computations were designated by the following algorithms (arranged in descending order of efficiency):

Method Code Timing


UINT LogTest(UINT n) { return (UINT)(log((double)n)/log((double)2)); }
2400 μsec 200
UINT Log10Test(UINT n) { return (UINT)(log10((double)n)/log10((double)2)); }
2400 μsec 200
UINT ShiftTest(UINT n) 
     UINT result; 
     for(result = -1; n > 0; n >>= 1, result++) ; 
     return result; 
42..1065 μsec
UINT TableTest(UINT n)
#define X (BYTE)-1
     const static BYTE table[256] ={X,  0,  1,  X,  2,  X,  X,  X,  // 0..7
                                    3,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 8..15
                                    4,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 16..23
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 24..31
                                    5,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 32..39
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 40..47
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 48..55
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 56..63
                                    6,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 64..71
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 72..79
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 80..87
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 88..95
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 96..103
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 104..111
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 112..119
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 120..127
                                    7,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 128..135
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 136..143
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 144..151
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 152..159
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 160..167
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 168..175
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 176..183
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 184..191
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 192..199
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 200..207
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 208..215
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 216..223
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 224..231
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 232..239
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  // 240..247
                                    X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X,  X   // 248..255
     union {
        UINT v;
        BYTE b[4];
     } value;
     value.v = n;
     if(value.b[0] != 0)
        return table[value.b[0]];
     if(value.b[1] != 0)
        return table[value.b[1]] + 8;
     if(value.b[2] != 0)
        return table[value.b[2]] + 16;
     if(value.b[3] != 0)
        return table[value.b[3]] + 24;
     return X;  // this is actually an error
    } // TableTest
#undef X
93 μsec 7.75
UINT BSFTest(UINT n) { _asm bsf eax, n }
35 μsec


BSF Fast
UINT __fastcall FastBSFTest(UINT n) { _asm bsf eax, ecx }
12 μsec


Note that the performance ratio here is 200:1 between the log approach and the fastest bsf approach.  The bsf  approach is x86-specific because it relies on the instruction set of the target machine.  The particular code, using a __asm insertion, is also not compatible with 64-bit x86 platforms.

In the table-based approach, a table of 256 values is indexed by the integer value in one byte of the value n.  There are entries in locations 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128, representing the values 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40 and 0x80.  The values in the table will be, respectively, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.  All other values are irrelevant (remember, the algorithms are based on the fact that only one bit of the value is set).  With no more than four lookups, the correct value can be found, and the result is modified by the position in the word where the value is found.  Starting at the low-order byte, successive bytes are accessed; the first nonzero byte gives the index, and each zero byte adds 8 to the log value.  This code is compiler-independent, but it is not platform-independent in that the byte accesses would have to be in the reverse order on a big-endian machine such as a Sun SPARC computer.

Performance Graphs

Using the log approach, the conversion time is more or less constant.  Note that the huge spikes are probably artifacts of interrupts coming in and perturbing the behavior.

Note the typical value is around 2400 μsec.

The computation using the log10 function is essentially the same performance as the log performance.

Note the typical value is around 2400 μsec.

The table lookup exhibits approximately linear behavior, modulo the artifacts apparently due to interrupts. 

The details of performance can be seen more clearly in the expanded scale graph.

Using the shift algorithm, note that the time required for the algorithm increases with the number of shifts required.

The approximate times are 42..1065 μsec.

Using the bsf instruction is very fast.  Shown to the same scale as the above, it is obvious how fast it is.

For finer timing, see the expanded scale graph.

However, using the __fastcall linkage we get even more speed.  Again, this is to the same scale as the above.

For finer timing see the expanded fastcall graph.

Expanding the scale of the lookup graph shows that the performance is approximately flat, except for the spikes.

The computed average is 93 μsec, but the typical values are below 50 μsec.

Note that there appears to be a slight increase of the cases 9..16 over 1..8, and 17..24 is slightly higher, and 25..32 just slightly higher, which examining the code will demonstrate is the expected behavior.

Expanding the scale of the bsf graph, we see that the data is very noisy, but if we ignore the huge spikes (again, most likely caused by interrupts; note that the effect is magnified at this scale), then the typical time is constant and appears to be around 35 μsec.
Expanding the scale of the __fastcall bsf chart, we see that the typical times are around 12 μsec.

Machine code for the functions:

  00000	8b 44 24 04          mov     eax, DWORD PTR _n$[esp-4]
  00004	db 44 24 04          fild    DWORD PTR _n$[esp-4]
  00008	85 c0                test    eax, eax
  0000a	7d 06                jge     SHORT $L64881
  0000c	dc 05 00 00 00 00    fadd    QWORD PTR __real@41f0000000000000
  00012	d9 ed                fldln2
  00014	d9 c9                fxch    ST(1)
  00016	d9 f1                fyl2x
  00018	dd 05 00 00 00 00    fld     QWORD PTR __real@4000000000000000
  0001e	d9 ed                fldln2
  00020	d9 c9                fxch    ST(1)
  00022	d9 f1                fyl2x
  00024	de f9                fdivp   ST(1), ST(0)
  00026	e9 00 00 00 00       jmp     __ftol2 
  00000	8b 44 24 04          mov      eax, DWORD PTR _n$[esp-4]
  00004	db 44 24 04          fild     DWORD PTR _n$[esp-4]
  00008	85 c0                test     eax, eax
  0000a	7d 06                jge      SHORT $L64889
  0000c	dc 05 00 00 00 00    fadd     QWORD PTR __real@41f0000000000000
  00012	d9 ec                fldlg2
  00014	d9 c9                fxch     ST(1)
  00016	d9 f1                fyl2x
  00018	dd 05 00 00 00 00    fld      QWORD PTR __real@4000000000000000
  0001e	d9 ec                fldlg2
  00020	d9 c9                fxch     ST(1)
  00022	d9 f1	            fyl2x
  00024	de f9	             fdivp    ST(1), ST(0)
  00026	e9 00 00 00 00       jmp      __ftol2 
  Note that instead of calling __ftol2 and then returning, it merely does a jmp to the subroutine, relying on the ret from __ftol2 to return to the caller of this function.  This is a frequent trick of optimizing compilers.
  00401498 55                   push        ebp  
  00401499 8B EC                mov         ebp,esp 
  0040149B 83 EC 20             sub         esp,20h 
  0040149E 83 E4 F0             and         esp,0FFFFFFF0h 
  004014A1 D9 C0                fld         st(0) 
  004014A3 D9 54 24 18          fst         dword ptr [esp+18h] 
  004014A7 DF 7C 24 10          fistp       qword ptr [esp+10h] 
  004014AB DF 6C 24 10          fild        qword ptr [esp+10h] 
  004014AF 8B 54 24 18          mov         edx,dword ptr [esp+18h] 
  004014B3 8B 44 24 10          mov         eax,dword ptr [esp+10h] 
  004014B7 85 C0                test        eax,eax 
  004014B9 74 3C                je          integer_QnaN_or_zero (4014F7h) 
  004014BB DE E9                fsubp       st(1),st 
  004014BD 85 D2                test        edx,edx 
  004014BF 79 1E                jns         positive (4014DFh) 
  004014C1 D9 1C 24             fstp        dword ptr [esp] 
  004014C4 8B 0C 24             mov         ecx,dword ptr [esp] 
  004014C7 81 F1 00 00 00 80    xor         ecx,80000000h 
  004014CD 81 C1 FF FF FF 7F    add         ecx,7FFFFFFFh 
  004014D3 83 D0 00             adc         eax,0 
  004014D6 8B 54 24 14          mov         edx,dword ptr [esp+14h] 
  004014DA 83 D2 00             adc         edx,0 
  004014DD EB 2C                jmp         localexit (40150Bh) 
  004014DF D9 1C 24             fstp        dword ptr [esp] 
  004014E2 8B 0C 24             mov         ecx,dword ptr [esp] 
  004014E5 81 C1 FF FF FF 7F    add         ecx,7FFFFFFFh 
  004014EB 83 D8 00             sbb         eax,0 
  004014EE 8B 54 24 14          mov         edx,dword ptr [esp+14h] 
  004014F2 83 DA 00             sbb         edx,0 
  004014F5 EB 14                jmp         localexit (40150Bh) 
  004014F7 8B 54 24 14          mov         edx,dword ptr [esp+14h] 
  004014FB F7 C2 FF FF FF 7F    test        edx,7FFFFFFFh 
  00401501 75 B8                jne         arg_is_not_integer_QnaN (4014BBh) 
  00401503 D9 5C 24 18          fstp        dword ptr [esp+18h] 
  00401507 D9 5C 24 18          fstp        dword ptr [esp+18h] 
  0040150B C9                   leave            
  0040150C C3                   ret              
Shift code
  00000	8b 4c 24 04          mov      ecx, DWORD PTR _n$[esp-4]
  00004	83 c8 ff             or       eax, -1
  00007	85 c9                test     ecx, ecx
  00009	76 0c                jbe      SHORT $L64757
  0000b	eb 03 8d 49 00       npad     5
  00010	d1 e9                shr      ecx, 1
  00012	40                   inc      eax
  00013	85 c9                test     ecx, ecx
  00015	77 f9                ja       SHORT $L64755
  00017 c3                   ret      0
 00000 0f bc 44 24 04        bsf      eax, DWORD PTR _n$[esp-4]
 00005 c3                    ret      0
__fastcall bsf
00000 0f bc c1               bsf      eax, ecx				
00003 c3                     ret      0
  00000	8b 44 24 04          mov      eax, DWORD PTR _n$[esp-4]
  00004	84 c0                test     al, al
  00006	74 0b                je       SHORT $L64727
  00008	0f b6 c0             movzx    eax, al
  0000b	0f b6 80 00 00 00 00 movzx    eax, BYTE PTR ?table@?1??TableTest@@YAIII@Z@4QBEB[eax]
  00012	c3                   ret	 0
  00013	84 e4                test     ah, ah
  00015	74 0e                je       SHORT $L64728
  00017	0f b6 cc             movzx    ecx, ah
  0001a	0f b6 81 00 00 00 00 movzx    eax, BYTE PTR ?table@?1??TableTest@@YAIII@Z@4QBEB[ecx]
  00021	83 c0 08             add      eax, 8
  00024	c3                   ret	 0
  00025	8a 44 24 06          mov      al, BYTE PTR _n$[esp-2]
  00029	84 c0                test     al, al
  0002b	74 0e                je       SHORT $L64729
  0002d	0f b6 d0             movzx    edx, al
  00030	0f b6 82 00 00 00 00 movzx    eax, BYTE PTR ?table@?1??TableTest@@YAIII@Z@4QBEB[edx]
  00037	83 c0 10             add      eax, 16			; 00000010H
  0003a	c3                   ret	 0
  0003b	8a 44 24 07          mov      al, BYTE PTR _n$[esp-1]
  0003f	84 c0                test     al, al
  00041	74 0e                je       SHORT $L64730
  00043	0f b6 c0             movzx    eax, al
  00046	0f b6 80 00 00 00 00 movzx    eax, BYTE PTR ?table@?1??TableTest@@YAIII@Z@4QBEB[eax]
  0004d	83 c0 18             add      eax, 24			; 00000018H
  00050	c3                   ret	 0
  00051	83 c8 ff             or       eax, -1
  00054	c3                   ret	 0

Defeating Compiler Optimizations

One of the problems when trying to synthesize an experiment like this and measuring it under an optimizing compiler is that good optimizing compilers will see through the attempts to repeat a computation and move it outside the loop.  This is why it is important when doing performance measurement to actually read the generated assembly code of what is being computed.  A test performed in a debug build is essentially meaningless because of the massive debug overheads involved.  But in a release compiler, a computation of the form

for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TESTS; i++)
   { /* run test */
    UINT result = TestFunction(n);
   } /* run test */

to first perform the computation of the loop body once, outside the loop.  This optimization is known as code motion and in particular it is called alpha motion because the computation is moved to the head of the loop or branch computation (omega motion moves common computations to after the body computation).  The reason this can be done is that the computation does not involve any variable dependent on the loop induction variable, so it is loop-invariant code.

UINT result = TestFunction(n);
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TESTS; i++)
   { /* run test */
   } /* run test */

and then noticing that the loop now has an empty body, and the loop variable is locally scoped, it throws away the computation of the loop entirely!

Therefore, to get valid data for these graphs, I had to defeat the code motion optimization.  So I added a "dummy" parameter to the function call so that the code was no longer loop-invariant.  My code is therefore

for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TESTS; i++)
   { /* run test */
    UINT result = TestFunction(n, i);
   } /* run test */

While this does perturb the experiment in a minor way, it makes it possible to run the test.

It was also necessary to modify the functions to have __declspec(noinline) which tells the compiler that it may not automatically optimize short functions by essentially expanding them inline.  Without this, the function calls were eliminated, and the inlined code was now subject to alpha motion when it was discovered that the expanded code was loop-invariant.  Note that my use of the dummy second parameter would have no effect on the code motion optimization, because once the compiler applied the inline expansion rules it would discover that the dummy parameter had no effect and therefore the expanded code would be loop-invariant and could be moved out of the loop.  By defeating the ability to do inline optimization, this optimization would be defeated.

Processing the Data

What I do to process the data is as follows:

  1. Run the program and pipe its output to a text file
    log2 > log.txt
  2. Open an Excel spreadsheet.  If you use the one that is in the project, highlight cells A1..G224 and hit the "Delete" key
  3. Go to the Data > Import External Data > Import Data menu item and choose the log.txt file written by running the program.
  4. Given the aforementioned cells being highlighted, use the Data > Sort... menu item and bring up the sort dialog
  5. Sort the data on Column A and secondary sort on Column E
  6. The graphs will now display data for your experiment

download.gif (1234 bytes)



[Dividing Line Image]

The views expressed in these essays are those of the author, and in no way represent, nor are they endorsed by, Microsoft.

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Copyright © 2007 Joseph M. Newcomer/FlounderCraft Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: May 14, 2011