A Registry Class

A Registry Library

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This represents a handy set of classes I built to ease the pain of dealing with the Registry. In addition to a set of high-level classes, defined in RegVars.h, there is a separate library, used by the RegVars module, Registry.h. This includes the download link for the complete source for all four files. The rest of this document describes the interface.download.gif (1234 bytes)


Using the Registry can be inconvenient. You have to learn all the Registry APIs, learn how to create keys, and then discover that you have to create the keys recursively. A real pain.

I created these classes and library to make it easy to do simple tasks with the Registry. It requires that you defined several strings in the String Table of the module that contains it, the most important one being

IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT  "Software\\YourCompanyName\\YourProductName"

All accesses to the Registry via this library will be relative to this key.

The Registry Classes           

For most simple cases, such as integers or strings, you can use the Registry classes RegistryInt, RegistryInt64 RegistryString, RegistryGUID, RegistryWindowPlacement, RegistryFont,  and RegistryDWordArray.

To use these, you simply declare a String Table entry with the desired access key, which itself may contain \ characters for sub-paths. For example, a simple value could stored using a simple string. First, create in the STRINGTABLE a variable with the desired name.


and then declare a variable of the form

RegistryInt count(IDS_REGISTRY_COUNT);

and to load it you write

count.load(defaultvalue); // argument optional, 0 assumed

You can then access the value, which is of type int, by using


If you want to store the value in the Registry, set count.value to the value you want to store, and do


and the value is stored in the Registry. If the steps of the path do not exist, they will be created.

The corresponding string type is RegistryString and the .value member is a CString.

RegistryString s(IDS_REGISTRY_NAME);
s.load();; // defaults to ""

will load a string value from the Registry. 

To use a structured value, you can just use the \ in the path name. For example,


To save the color information for the application, you could write something like

void SaveColor(COLORREF c)
     RegistryInt red(IDS_REGISTRY_COLOR_RED);
     red.value = GetRValue(c);
     RegistryInt green(IDS_REGISTRY_COLOR_GREEN);
     green.value = GetGValue(c);
     RegistryInt blue(IDS_REGISTRY_COLOR_BLUE);
     blue.value = GetBValue(c);

The Registry Library          

The Registry Library underlies the Registry classes, and provides more detailed control. I did not provide classes for some of the interfaces because they are used infrequently enough that I didn't bother creating classes for them.

The Registry Library allows for the setting and retrieving of string values, integer values, 64-bit integer values, GUIDs, font descriptions, window placement descriptions, and arrays of DWORD values, as well as the ability to delete keys and values, enumerating keys and values, and simply getting a handle to a key for more detailed Registry API operations. 

Like the Registry classes, these always work relative to IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT and automatically create steps of the path on setting operations.

Whenever a string ID is derived from the STRINGTABLE, I use the notation %id% to indicate the result obtained by doing LoadString(id). So if IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT is "JMNCO\MyProgram" and IDS_COLOR is "Color", then the string %IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT%\%IDS_COLOR% represents the string JMNCO\MyProgram\Color.

Compiling and Linking

You must compile and link in Registry.cpp to get any of these facilities. You only need to include Registry.h if you are using specific functions. RegVars.h defines the RegistryInt and RegistryString variables, and does not require Registry.h to be included in your compilations, but you must also compile and link in RegVars.cpp to get these classes.

This package requires you link with shlwapi.lib to get a correct link.


Although to use this you only need to include this header file, you must link with the Registry library, which the methods used by these classes call to perform the actual Registry operations. If you include this file in any of your project files, you must include RegVars.cpp in your project or link with the compiled version RegVars.obj.

All registry variable types have the following method defined:

BOOL RegistryVar::remove();

Deletes the registry variable. If this method returns FALSE, then ::GetLastError will return the reason for the failure.


RegistryInt::RegistryInt(UINT id, HKEY r = HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

Constructs a variable of type RegistryInt.  This will save any 32-bit signed or unsigned value. Shorter values should be saved as this type. The Registry value is stored as a REG_DWORD.


The String Table ID of the Registry key under which the value will be stored or from which the value will be retrieved.
The root key under which the key is specified. It will be found under the key
BOOL RegistryInt::load(int def = 0);

Loads a value from the Registry. Provides for a default value. The .value member of the variable will have either the value from the Registry or the default value when this method returns. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed. If the value in the Registry is not a REG_DWORD, the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE. If the value is not found in the Registry, the return type will be TRUE. In this case, ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. If the return type is TRUE and ::GetLastError returns ERROR_SUCCESS it means the value was actually read from the Registry.

int def
The value to be used if the key is not found in the Registry.
BOOL RegistryInt::store();

Stores the value to the Registry under the key specified for the variable. The current contents of the .value member is what will be stored. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed.

int value;

This is the .value member of the class.


RegistryInt64::RegistryInt64(UINT id, HKEY r = HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

Constructs a variable of type RegistryInt64.  This will save any 32-bit signed or unsigned value. Shorter values should be saved as this type. The Registry value is stored as a REG_BINARY.


The String Table ID of the Registry key under which the value will be stored or from which the value will be retrieved.
The root key under which the key is specified. It will be found under the key
BOOL RegistryInt64::load(__int64 def = 0);

Loads a value from the Registry. Provides for a default value. The .value member of the variable will have either the value from the Registry or the default value when this method returns. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed. If the value in the Registry is not a REG_BINARY the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE. If the length of the value is not sizeof(__int64) the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATA. If the value is not found in the Registry, the return type will be TRUE. In this case, ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. If the return type is TRUE and ::GetLastError returns ERROR_SUCCESS it means the value was actually read from the Registry.

__int64 def
The value to be used if the key is not found in the Registry.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_BINARY
The size of the Registry value is not sizeof(__int64)
The value was not found in the Registry, but the def value was set. Note that load has returned TRUE.
BOOL RegistryInt64::store();

Stores the value to the Registry under the key specified for the variable. The current contents of the .value member is what will be stored. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed.

__int64 value;

This is the .value member of the class.


RegistryString::RegistryString(UINT id, HKEY r = HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

Constructs a variable of type RegistryString


The String Table ID of the Registry key under which the value will be stored or from which the value will be retrieved.
The root key under which the key is specified. It will be found under the key
BOOL RegistryString::load(LPCTSTR def = NULL);

Loads a value from the Registry. Provides for a default value. The .value member of the variable, a CString, will have either the value from the Registry or the default value when this method returns. If the string parameter value is NULL, the .value member is set to the empty string. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed. If the value was not found in the Registry and the default value is used, the value returned is TRUE, and ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. If the value was found, the value returned is TRUE and ::GetLastError will return ERROR_SUCCESS.

int def
The value to be used if the key is not found in the Registry.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_MULTI_SZ
Returned FALSE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and the def parameter was NULL. The value member is unchanged.

Returned TRUE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND but the def parameter was non-NULL. The value member has been set to the value of the def parameter.

BOOL RegistryString::store();

Stores the value to the Registry under the key specified for the variable. The current contents of the .value member is what will be stored. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed.

CString value;

This is the .value member of the class.



Constructs a variable of type RegistryGUID  The Registry value is stored as a REG_BINARY.


The String Table ID of the Registry key under which the value will be stored or from which the value will be retrieved.
The root key under which the key is specified. It will be found under the key
BOOL RegistryGUID::load(GUID * def = NULL);

Loads a value from the Registry. Provides for a default value. The .value member of the variable will have either the value from the Registry or the default value when this method returns. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed. If the value in the Registry is not REG_BINARY the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE. If the length of the value in the Registry is not sizeof(GUID) the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATA. If the value is not found in the Registry, and def is not NULL, the return type will be TRUE and the value will be set to the contents of the referenced GUID. In this case, ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. If the default is NULL, and the key is not found, the return value will be FALSE and the value member is not changed; If the return type is TRUE and ::GetLastError returns ERROR_SUCCESS it means the value was actually read from the Registry.

GUID * def
The value to be used if the key is not found in the Registry. If this is NULL, no default will be used and if the value is not found in the Registry, the result will be FALSE and ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_BINARY
Registry data size is not sizeof(GUID)
Returned FALSE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and the def parameter was NULL. The value member is unchanged.

Returned TRUE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND but the def parameter was non-NULL. The value member has been set to the value of the def parameter.

BOOL RegistryGUID::store();

Stores the value to the Registry under the key specified for the variable. The current contents of the .value member is what will be stored. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed.

GUID value;

This is the .value member of the class.


RegistryFont::RegistryFont(UINT id, HKEY r = HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

Constructs a variable of type RegistryFont.  The Registry value is stored as a set of values under the registry key.


The String Table ID of the Registry key under which the value will be stored or from which the value will be retrieved.
The root key under which the key is specified. It will be found under the key


Not all of the LOGFONT members are stored; only those indicated in the table below are recorded. In the table the value %r% is symbolic for the HKEY parameter of the constructor; the value %IDS_ROOT% is whatever the string value of the IDS_ROOT string is in the STRINGTABLE; and the value %id% represents the ID value obtained from the STRINGTABLE based on the id parameter to the constructor.

LOGFONT member Registry type Registry Key Meaning
lfHeight REG_DWORD
The font height
lfWidth not saved    
lfEscapement not saved    
lfOrientation not saved    
lfWeight REG_DWORD
The font weight
lfItalic REG_DWORD
TRUE if italic, FALSE if not italic
lfUnderline REG_DWORD
TRUE if underlined, FALSE if not
lfStrikeout REG_DWORD
TRUE if strkeout, FALSE if not
lfCharSet not saved    
lfOutPrecision not saved    
lfClipPrecision not saved    
lfQuality not saved    
lfPitchAndFamily not saved    
lfFaceName REG_SZ
The face name

BOOL RegistryFont::load(LOGFONT * def = NULL);

Loads a value from the Registry. Provides for a default value. The .value member of the variable will have either the value from the Registry or the default value when this method returns. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed. If the value in the Registry is not REG_DWORD for integer values or REG_SZ for the face name, the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE. If any integer value is not sizeof(DWORD)  or the lfFaceName is longer than LF_FACESIZE then the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATA.

If the value is not found in the Registry, and def is not NULL, the return type will be TRUE and the value will be set to the contents of the referenced LOGFONT. In this case, ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. If the default is NULL, and the key is not found, the return value will be FALSE and the value member is not changed; If the return type is TRUE and ::GetLastError returns ERROR_SUCCESS it means the value was actually read from the Registry.

GUID * def
The value to be used if the key is not found in the Registry. If this is NULL, no default will be used and if the value is not found in the Registry, the result will be FALSE and ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type of one of the values stored in the Registry was not appropriate.
The length of the lfFaceName value is greater than LF_FACESIZE.
Returned FALSE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and the def parameter was NULL. The value member is unchanged.

Returned TRUE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND but the def parameter was non-NULL. The value member has been set to the value of the def parameter.

BOOL RegistryFont::store();

Stores the value to the Registry under the key specified for the variable. The current contents of the .value member is what will be stored. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed.

LOGFONT value;

This is the .value member of the class.


RegistryWindowPlacement::RegistryWindowPlacement(UINT id, HKEY r = HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

Constructs a variable of type RegistryWindowPlacement.  This will save any 32-bit signed or unsigned value. Shorter values should be saved as this type. The Registry value is stored as a subtree of the registry key.


The String Table ID of the Registry key under which the value will be stored or from which the value will be retrieved.
The root key under which the key is specified. It will be found under the key


The WINDOWPLACEMENT is stored as a set of values and subkeys of the specified key of the constructor. In the table the value %r% is symbolic for the HKEY parameter of the constructor; the value %IDS_ROOT% is whatever the string value of the IDS_ROOT string is in the STRINGTABLE; and the value %id% represents the ID value obtained from the STRINGTABLE based on the id parameter to the constructor.

WINDOWPLACEMENT member Registry type Registry Key
ptMinPosition key
       ptMinPosition.x REG_DWORD
  ptMinPosition.y REG_DWORD
ptMaxPosition key
  ptMaxPosition.x REG_DWORD
  ptMaxPosition.y REG_DWORD
rcNormalPosition key
  rcNormalPosition.left REG_DWORD
  rcNormalPosition.top REG_DWORD
  rcNormalPosition.right REG_DWORD
  rcNormalPosition.bottom REG_DWORD

BOOL RegistryWindowPlacement::load(WINDOWPLACEMENT * def = NULL);

Loads a value from the Registry. Provides for a default value. The .value member of the variable will have either the value from the Registry or the default value when this method returns. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed. If the values in the Registry are not REG_DWORD the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE. If the value is not found in the Registry, and def is not NULL, the return type will be TRUE and the value will be set to the contents of the referenced WINDOWPLACEMENT. In this case, ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. If the default is NULL, and the key is not found, the return value will be FALSE and the value member is not changed; If the return type is TRUE and ::GetLastError returns ERROR_SUCCESS it means the value was actually read from the Registry.

The value to be used if the key is not found in the Registry. If this is NULL, no default will be used and if the value is not found in the Registry, the result will be FALSE and ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type of one of the values is not REG_DWORD
Returned FALSE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and the def parameter was NULL. The value member is unchanged.

Returned TRUE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND but the def parameter was non-NULL. The value member has been set to the value of the def parameter.

BOOL RegistryWindowPlacement::store();

Stores the value to the Registry under the key specified for the variable. The current contents of the .value member is what will be stored. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed.


This is the .value member of the class.


This uses a single key stored as REG_BINARY to hold the contents of a CDWordArray. See also RegistryByteArray.

RegistryDWordArray::RegistryDWordArray(UINT id, HKEY r = HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

Constructs a variable of type RegistryDWordArray The Registry value is stored as a REG_BINARY.


The String Table ID of the Registry key under which the value will be stored or from which the value will be retrieved.
The root key under which the key is specified. It will be found under the key
BOOL RegistryDWordArray::load();

Loads a value from the Registry. Provides for a default value. Note there is no explicit default value; if the key is not found, an empy value array results. The .value member of the variable will have the value from the Registry, interpreted as an array of DWORD values, when this method returns. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed. If the value in the Registry is not REG_BINARY the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE. If the length of the value in the Registry is not an integer multiple of sizeof(DWORD) the operation will fail with ERROR_INVALID_DATA. If the value is not found in the Registry, and def is not NULL, the return type will be TRUE and the value will be set to the contents of the referenced GUID. In this case, ::GetLastError will return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.

Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_BINARY.
The size of the data in the Registry is not an integer multiple of sizeof(DWORD).
Returned FALSE: The error from the Registry was ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and the size of the array is set to 0.
BOOL RegistryDWordArray::store();

Stores the value to the Registry under the key specified for the variable. The current contents of the .value member is what will be stored. If it returns FALSE, use ::GetLastError to determine why it failed.

DWordArray value;

This is the .value member of the class.


The Registry.cpp module provides for more direct access to the Registry. All operations are performed relative to the string specified by the String Table entry IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT.

These functions are used when you need closer control, for example, in creating non-constant Registry keys that are computed on the fly.

To simplify the notation, I've adapted the notation for expansion of environment strings. In this case, I use %name% to indicate the expansion of the string identified in the String Table by the value name. Thus %IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT% should be replaced, in the descriptions that follow, by the string that IDS_PROGRAM_ROOTrepresents, and if the name defines a variable or parameter in the program, by the string which is retrieved by the integer represented by that variable or parameter.

In all cases, if the function returns FALSE, the error can found by calling ::GetLastError(). In addition to the standard errors that can be returned from the Registry API calls, if the value is the wrong type for the operation, or of the wrong length, ::GetLastErro() will return ERROR_INVALID_DATA.

The default value is always present for scalar values, and optional for other types of values. When a default value is provided, the operation will always succeed and return TRUE even if the key is not found in the Registry. However, if TRUE is returned and ::GetLastError returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, it means the key was not found and the default value was used. If it returns TRUE and the key was found, ::GetLastError will return ERROR_SUCCESS. If the default value is optional (usually indicated by a NULL pointer to a value), the operation will always return FALSE if the default is NULL and the key is not found in the Registry.

In addition to the normal Registry errors that can be returned by ::GetLastError, the library will return ERROR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE or ERROR_INVALID_DATA if the Registry type is incorrect or the data does not meet certain size criteria.

If you use this header file, or if you use the RegVars.cpp module, you must either include this in your compilation or link with the compiled RegVars.obj file. 


BOOL GetRegistryString(HKEY root, const CString & var, CString & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CString & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of the Registry, which must be of type REG_SZ, will be found in this variable. If the result is FALSE it remains unchanged.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_MULTI_SZ
BOOL SetRegistryString(HKEY root, const CString & var, const CString & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CString & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a value of  type REG_SZ.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_MULTI_SZ
BOOL GetRegistryString(HKEY root, const CString & path, UINT var, CString & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & path
The path from the root and program root to the value, where the var parameter specifies the remainder of the path.
UINT var
The variable path that defines the variable, represented by a String Table entry. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CString & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of the Registry, which must be of type REG_SZ, will be found in this variable. If the result is FALSE it remains unchanged.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_MULTI_SZ
BOOL SetRegistryString(HKEY root, const CString & path, UINT var, const CString & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & path
The path from the root and program root to the value, where the var parameter specifies the remainder of the path.
UINT var
The variable path that defines the variable, contained in the String Table entry designated by the integer var. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CString & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a value of  type REG_SZ.
BOOL GetRegistryString(HKEY root, const CString & path, const CString & var, CString & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & path
The path from the root and program root to the value, where the var parameter specifies the remainder of the path.
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CString & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of the Registry, which must be of type REG_SZ, will be found in this variable. If the result is FALSE it remains unchanged.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_MULTI_SZ
BOOL SetRegistryString(HKEY root, const CString & path, const CString & var, const CString & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & path
The path from the root and program root to the value, where the var parameter specifies the remainder of the path.
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CString & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a value of  type REG_SZ.


BOOL GetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & var, DWORD & val);
BOOL GetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & var, int & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
DWORD & val
int & val	
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of the Registry, which must be of type REG_DWORD, will be found in this variable. If the result is FALSE it remains unchanged.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_DWORD
BOOL SetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & var, DWORD val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a value of  type REG_DWORD.
BOOL GetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & path, UINT var, DWORD & val);
BOOL GetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & path, UINT var, int & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & path
The path from the root and program root to the value, where the var parameter specifies the remainder of the path.
UINT var
The variable path that defines the variable, represented by a String Table entry. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
DWORD & val
int & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of the Registry, which must be of type REG_DWORD, will be found in this variable. If the result is FALSE it remains unchanged.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_DWORD
BOOL SetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & path, UINT var, DWORD val);
BOOL SetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & path, UINT var, int val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & path
The path from the root and program root to the value, where the var parameter specifies the remainder of the path.
UINT var
The variable path that defines the variable, contained in the String Table entry designated by the integer var. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
int val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter has been stored as a value of  type REG_DWORD.
BOOL GetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & path, const CString & var, DWORD & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & path
The path from the root and program root to the value, where the var parameter specifies the remainder of the path.
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
DWORD & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of the Registry, which must be of type REG_DWORD, will be found in this variable. If the result is FALSE it remains unchanged.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_DWORD
BOOL SetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & path, const CString & var, DWORD val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & path
The path from the root and program root to the value, where the var parameter specifies the remainder of the path.
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a value of  type REG_DWORD.


BOOL GetRegistryInt64(HKEY root, const CString & var,          __int64 & val);
BOOL GetRegistryInt64(HKEY root, const CString & var, unsigned __int64 & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
__int64 & val
unsigned __int64 & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of the Registry, which must be an 8-byte value of type REG_BINARY, will be found in this variable. If the result is FALSE it remains unchanged.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_BINARY
Length is not sizeof(__int64)
BOOL SetRegistryInt64(HKEY root, const CString & var,          __int64 val);
BOOL SetRegistryInt64(HKEY root, const CString & var, unsigned __int64 val); 
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
__int64 val
unsigned __int64 val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter have been stored as an 8-byte value of  type REG_BINARY.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_BINARY
Length is not 8


BOOL GetRegistryGUID(HKEY root, const CString & var, GUID & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
GUID & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of the Registry, which must be a 16-byte value of type REG_BINARY, will be found in this variable. If the result is FALSE it remains unchanged.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_BINARY
Length is not sizeof(GUID)
BOOL SetRegistryGUID(HKEY root, const CString & var, const GUID & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
GUID val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as an 8-byte value of  type REG_BINARY.


BOOL GetRegistryFont(HKEY root, const CString & var, LPLOGFONT val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
This structure will first be completely zeroed out. If the result of the call is TRUE, the complete contents of the Registry information for the font, as represented by the values under the subkey var, will be found in this structure. If the result is FALSE the fields will be partially filled in. The correctness of the structure is not guaranteed.
BOOL SetRegistryFont(HKEY root, const CString & var, const LOGFONT * val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const LOGFONT * val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a set of values under the subkey var.

For a font, the var represents not a value, but a key under which the values are stored. The following components of the LOGFONT structure are stored. Note that this is not the complete set of possible values. For example, I had no need to store font rotation information.

key type meaning
Font height
Font weight, FW_ symbols
TRUE for italic font
TRUE for underlined font
TRUE for strikeout font
Name of font

In the example below, certain keys representing proprietary information have been blanked out. What you see here are two keys, one for font and one for window placement. The Font resource is shown expanded. Note that I do not save all of the LOGFONT structure because I only needed the subset shown; if you need more, the generalization should be obvious. The WindowPlacement entry simply stores the coordinates of a WindowPlacement structure.


BOOL GetRegistryWindowPlacement(HKEY root, const CString & var, WINDOWPLACEMENT & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
This structure will first be completely zeroed out. If the result of the call is TRUE, the complete contents of the Registry information for the WINDOWPLACEMENT, as represented by the values under the subkey var, will be found in this structure. If the result is FALSE the fields will be partially filled in.
BOOL SetRegistryWindowPlacement(HKEY root, const CString & var, const WINDOWPLACEMENT & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a set of values under the subkey var.

For a font, the var represents not a value, but a key under which the values are stored.

WINDOWPLACEMENT member Registry type Registry Key
ptMinPosition key
      ptMinPosition.x REG_DWORD
  ptMinPosition.y REG_DWORD
ptMaxPosition key
  ptMaxPosition.x REG_DWORD
  ptMaxPosition.y REG_DWORD
rcNormalPosition key
  rcNormalPosition.left REG_DWORD
  rcNormalPosition.top REG_DWORD
  rcNormalPosition.right REG_DWORD
  rcNormalPosition.bottom REG_DWORD


BOOL GetRegistryDWordArray(HKEY root, const CString & var, CDWordArray & result);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CDWordArray & result If successful, the values are placed in the CDWordArray object. If the value is not found in the Registry, or there is some other error, the result value is set to have a size of 0.
Normal error responses from ::RegOpenKey and ::RegQueryValueEx, plus the following
Registry type is not REG_BINARY
Length is not not an integer multiple of sizeof(DWORD).
BOOL SetRegistryDWordArray(HKEY root, const CString & var, const CDWordArray & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The path that defines the variable. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CDWordArray & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a REG_BINARY value..
BOOL SetRegistryDWordArray(HKEY root, UINT var, const CDWordArray & val);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
UINT var
The path that defines the variable, expressed as a STRINGTABLE entry. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If there is any error during the creation, this call returns FALSE. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CDWordArray & val
If the result of the call is TRUE, the contents of this parameter will be stored as a REG_BINARY value..


Note that this can be invoked also by using the remove member of the RegistryVar superclass.

BOOL DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY root, const CString & keyname);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The variable path that defines the key. If the path does not exist, the call returns TRUE, but ::GetLastError will then indicate ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. . If the path exists, an attempt is made to delete it; if it is successfully deleted, the return value is TRUE and ::GetLastError will return ERROR_SUCCESS. If there is a deletion failure, it returns FALSE.
BOOL DeleteRegistryValue(HKEY root, const CString & var);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & var
The variable path that defines the key. If the path does not exist, the call returns TRUE, but ::GetLastError will then indicate ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. . If the path exists, an attempt is made to delete it; if it is successfully deleted, the return value is TRUE and ::GetLastError will return ERROR_SUCCESS. If there is a deletion failure, it returns FALSE.


BOOL GetRegistryKey(HKEY root, const CString & keyname, HKEY & key, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The variable path that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, an attempt is made to create it. If the creation succeeds, or the path already exists, the key value is set, and the call returns TRUE. If the path does not exist, and cannot be created, the call returns FALSE
HKEY & key
The Registry key handle which represents the key defined by the keyname path for the current program root. This value is valid only if the function returns TRUE.
DWORD access The desired access with which the key is opened. If not specified, KEY_ALL_ACCESS is used.
BOOL FindRegistryKey(HKEY root, const CString & keyname, HKEY & key, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the key is found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The variable path that defines the key. If the path does not exist, the return value is FALSE and no attempt is made to create it. If the path exists, a key handle is opened and returned in the key provided. Note that this string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
HKEY & key
The Registry key handle which represents the key defined by the keyname path for the current program root. This value is valid only if the function returns TRUE.
DWORD access The desired access with which the key is opened. If not specified, KEY_ALL_ACCESS is used.


BOOL EnumRegistryKeys(HKEY root, const CString & keyname, CStringArray & keys);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The variable path that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. If the path exists, the subkeys are enumerated and returned in the result CStringArray.
CStringArray & result An array which contains the keys which are found. If no keys are found, this is set to be empty. If there is an error, there may be a partially-filled-in array but its correctness is not defined.
BOOL EnumRegistryKeys(HKEY root, UINT keyname, CStringArray & keys);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
UINT keyname
The variable path that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, the call returns FALSE. If the path exists, the subkeys are enumerated and returned in the result CStringArray.
CStringArray & result An array which contains the keys which are found. If no keys are found, this is set to be empty. If there is an error, there may be a partially-filled-in array but its correctness is not defined.
BOOL EnumRegistryValues(HKEY root, const CString & keyname, CStringArray & keys);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The variable path that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, the return value is FALSE. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are returned in the result CStringArray.  Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CStringArray & result An array which contains the keys which are found. If no keys are found, this is set to be empty. If there is an error, there may be a partially-filled-in array but its correctness is not defined.


The idea of this is to have a CStringArray or CDWordArray of values which will be stored as individual values in the Registry. The values will be stored as a sequence of names 00000, 00001, 00002, and so on. This can conveniently be used to store sequences of string or DWORD values.

BOOL SetRegistryValues(HKEY root, const CString & keyname, const CStringArray & values);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The path that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are deleted, then replaced by the values in the CStringArray.  Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CStringArray & values An array which contains the values to be stored.
BOOL SetRegistryValues(HKEY root, UINT keyid, const CStringArray & values);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
UINT keyid
The STRINGTABLE id that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are deleted, then replaced by the values in the CStringArray.  Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CStringArray & values An array which contains the values to be stored.
BOOL SetRegistryValues(HKEY root, const CString & keyname, const DWordArray & values);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The path that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are deleted, then replaced by the values in the CDWordArray.  Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CStringArray & result An array which contains the values to be stored.
BOOL SetRegistryValues(HKEY root, UINT keyid, const CDWordArray & values);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
UINT keyid
The STRINGTABLE id that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, it will be created. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are deleted, then replaced by the values in the CDWordArray.  Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CDWordArray & values An array which contains the values to be stored.
BOOL GetRegistryValues(HKEY root, const CString & keyname, CStringArray & values);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The path that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, the result will be FALSE and the size of values will be set to 0. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are enumerated, and their values placed in the CStringArray.  Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CStringArray & values An array which contains the values read from the Registry.
BOOL GetRegistryValues(HKEY root, UINT keyid, CStringArray & values);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
UINT keyid
The STRINGTABLE id that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, the result will be FALSE and the size of values will be set to 0. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are enumerated, and their values placed in the CStringArray. Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
CStringArray & values An array which contains the values read from the Registry.
BOOL GetRegistryValues(HKEY root, const CString & keyname, DWordArray & values);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
const CString & keyname
The path that defines the parent key. The path that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, the result will be FALSE and the size of values will be set to 0. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are enumerated, and their values placed in the CDWordArray.  Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CStringArray & result An array which contains the values read from the Registry.
BOOL SetRegistryValues(HKEY root, UINT keyid, CDWordArray & values);
HKEY root
The root relative to which the keys are found, typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The key will be evaluated as
UINT keyid
The STRINGTABLE id that defines the parent key. If the path does not exist, the result will be FALSE and the size of values will be set to 0. If the path exists, the names of all the values under the key are enumerated, and their values placed in the CDWordArray.  Note that the keyname string can include \ characters describing more complex paths.
const CDWordArray & values An array which contains the values read from the Registry.


This function is used to obtain the key path given a string name or STRINGTABLE id

CString GetKeyPath(const CString & key)
CString GetKeyPath(UINT keyid)
const CString & key
The string representing a key name. The value returned will be
UINT keyid
The string representing the key name. The value returned will be


CreateKey creates an actual key entry in the Registry. If an absolute key name is provided, that key is created. If a relative key name is provided, it is created under the IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT value. The key is created in the Registry and then closed.

BOOL CreateKey(HKEY root, const CString & key, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
HKEY root
The root key. HKEY_CURRENT_USER is the most common value used here
const CString & key
The string representing a key name. The key created will be
DWORD access
The desired access to the key

 OpenKey opens a key and returns the HKEY value. This is to allow explicit operations to be performed. If an absolute key name is provided, that key is opened. If a relative key name is provided, it is created under the IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT value. The return value is the HKEY, or NULL if an error occured

HKEY OpenKey(HKEY root, const CString & key, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
HKEY root
The root key. HKEY_CURRENT_USER is the most common value used here
const CString & key
The string representing a key name. The key opened will be
DWORD access
The desired access to the key.

download.gif (1234 bytes)



(2001) There are probably some things I would do differently today (I wrote most of this code in 1996), such as passing in references to arrays instead of returning pointers to created arrays, but this is the code as it stands today.

(2005) I have made significant upgrades. New classes for RegistryDWordArray, RegistryGUID, RegistryInt64, and RegistryWindowPlacement have been added. The enumeration functions now take reference parameters, and the methods which formerly returned allocated arrays now take array reference parameters and fill them in. The load and store methods now return BOOL instead of void, and consistently the substitution of the default value is indicated by returning a success indicator with ::GetLastError returning ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; if the value is found and the default is not used, ::GetLastError will return ERROR_SUCCESS. A new remove method has been added. I added GetKeyPath so the program can handle other explicit Registry operations.

[Dividing Line Image]

The views expressed in these essays are those of the author, and in no way represent, nor are they endorsed by, Microsoft.

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Last modified: May 14, 2011